Phone (206) 283-2905

TGITM Licenses

Anna Liotta Generational Differences Enterprise-Licenses
Anna Liotta Generational Differences Sponsorship-Licenses
Anna Liotta Generational Differences Small-Business-Licenses


TGI™ is designed to create value and economies of scale for small to large organizations who want to provide a robust and flexible training solution for their employees.

Anna Liotta Generational Differences LicensesPage-300x231Providing a method that allows users to train according to their preferred place and time becomes critical to successfully developing a multi-generational workforce. TGITM is scalable and robust enough to handle a high volume of users, and affordable enough to offer to each of your employees.

TGITM is designed to allow managers and leaders the ability to see user activity and progress.

We understand the importance of brand awareness. TGITM can be custom branded for your organization.

Schedule a call with a generational expert today!